Working name “Wilson Goulty” 
Embodiment Photographer
2020 forced me to slow down, take my time and forced me to communicate openly and teach the people I worked with because most of them were not professionals.
The experience shooting with a couple individuals over 3 years was one of the most transformative for me in my photographic life.
It has totally changed for me the way I work with people in front of the camera.
My ability to focus on communication, trust, respect and honesty when shooting has created the ability to do more, to access more deep and real emotions with the people in front of my lens. Transparency and openness are my main goals for every shoot I do.
I enjoy teaching, and educating people on different aspects of shooting. I also have found that getting the people invested and interested in how shooting works makes better images. With the individual, we shot a lot of the time connected to the computer so we could see and review images, and discuss what we wanted to change or adapt to go deeper into the feeling or intention of the shoot.
So what does “embodiment” mean?
 Embodiment is a term that gets thrown around a lot. It is related to empowerment. 
For me, I don’t like the term empowerment because it seems to mean that the permission to feel the power comes from outside. The term “female empowerment” doesn’t make sense to me. Women are strong, they are powerful but sometimes due to life experiences and traumas, they forget how strong they are. Anyone who survives traumas is strong. In my opinion, embodiment means to remember and celebrate the process of surviving life, the good and the bad, the triumphs and failures. 
For me, yoga is not about classes it is about an approach to life. I know that what most people associate with yoga is the asana, the poses that are part of the commercial yoga classes. I started with yoga later in life, in my late 30s. I completed yoga teacher training at 41. It is a constant part of daily life now. Not just the asana but breath work, meditation and connecting to my own body. 
Another term that has a very different image from practice. It is something I first came into contact with in 2017. It was a very deep and personal experience that took me almost a year to integrate. I came back to tantra again in 2020, the pandemic gave the opportunity to study and work with practitioners and coaches online. I was able to complete a group experience as well as work one-on-one with 3 wonderful practitioners with 3 very distinct and unique approaches to working in the tantra space. The skills and practices I acquired over  years of study and work have enabled me to redesign my life and slowly make progress towards how I want to interact with the world around me. 
The work I did focused on a lot of inner work, working through past traumas and replacing toxic habits with new methods of responding and embracing the energy of creation. I was able to feel that the title of “photographer” was real without imposter syndrome. 

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